Are you interested in a funding for your team and/or your class? Then take a look at our offers, fill out the application form and send it to Kristina Hagen by email.

discover: application for group funding

explore and challenge: application for team funding

explore and challenge: application for class funding

Thanks to the funding from BildungsChancen gGmbH, we are able to support 3 new primary school classes and 3 new secondary school classes in rural areas for the season 2024/25. The grant for the Challenge and Explore In the Classroom includes all seasonal materials, robotics sets, the participation fee and team participation.

scope of grant and guidelines 2024/25

The Deutsche Postcode Lotterie supports primary and secondary school classes in rural areas of the federal states of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Schleswig-Holstein and Brandenburg. The Deutsche Postcode Lotterie awards grants for participation in FIRST LEGO League Explore and Challenge In the Classroom. The funding includes all season materials, robotics sets, the participation fee and a webinar offer. In the 2024/25 season, 22 classes will receive funding.

scope of grant and guidelines 2024/25

The Dow company supports teams and classes in Germany at the Stade, Schkopau and Böhlen sites with season materials, participation fees and robotics sets. In the 2024/2025 season, Dow is sponsoring: 3 FIRST LEGO League Challenge Im Klassenzimmer;  2 FIRST LEGO League Explore Im Klassenzimmer; 2 FIRST LEGO League Challenge Team; 4 FIRST LEGO League Explore Team. This is a one-year grant that can be extended with a follow-on grant in 2025/26.


scope of grant and guidelines 2024/25

Through the Löwenstark - Der BildungsKICK initiative, the Hessian Ministry of Education and Culture supports Hessian schools at secondary level I and II and awards Challenge In the classroom grants. In the 2024/25 season, up to 200 classes will receive follow-up grant.

follow-up grant: scope of grant and guidelines 2024/25


The John Deere company supports Explore and Challenge teams from the Rhine-Neckar region with the season materials and a robotics set. Up to 35 teams are supported in the season 2024/25. In addition, the teams receive support from John Deere mentors as needed.

scope of grant and guidelines 2024/25

The KREISEL Electrics company supports two Challenge teams from the Mühlviertel/Linz region in Upper Austria with the season materials and a robotics set. In addition, the teams receive support from KREISEL Electrics mentors as needed. 

scope of grant and guidelines 2024/25

The Motorola Solutions Foundation supports Explore and Challenge teams in Germany and Austria for several seasons with the season materials, participation fees and robotics sets. In the 2024/25 season 30 teams will receive follow-up grant.

follow-up grant: scope of grant and guidelines 2023/24

Novelis is supporting Explore und Challenge Teams and awards grants for participation in the 2024/25 season. Up to 20 teams in the vicinity of Novelis sites will be sponsored and will receive the participation fee, seasonal materials and team T-Shirts.

scope of grant and guidelines 2024/25


The Sage Foundation is supporting 12 new Explore and 5 new Challenge classes in Leipzig and the surrounding area in the 2024/25 school year.
27 Explore and 10 Challenge classes receive follow-up grant. The grants cover seasonal materials, participation fees and robotics sets. The class grants also include an introductory workshop for teachers and the necessary game tables for Challenge.

6 kindergarten group grants will be supported for FIRST LEGO League Discover. These include the seasonal materials, participation fees and the LEGO® Education STEAM Park Set per group (max. 8 children).

scope of grant and guidelines for schools 2024/25

scope of grant and guidelines for kindergartens 2024/25

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