Robot Design in a Nutshell...

Ahead of Tournament Day...

Before the robot can solve the Robot Game missions, you have to build and program it.

Collect ideas for the construction of the robot and create several concepts for the robot's base and attachments.

Plan and build several prototypes to try out different ideas and then implement the best ideas for the actual robot.

On Tournament Day...

You will present your Research, Robot Design and Core Values in one combined judging session to the judges. This session lasts 35 minutes and takes place in a judging room.

Prepare an oral report about the construction, programming and strategy of your robot. This report must not be longer than five minutes! The jury will stop longer explanations, so that all teams have the same chance.

It is exciting for the judges to learn about the construction process or to find out what you are most proud of in the robot and if there are parts that need improvement. The use and selection of sensors is another interesting aspect.

You can show the judges a video of a trial run of your robot on the Robot-Game field. Choose specific missions and do not show a full match. The trial run needs to take place within your five minutes.

After your report, the judges have the opportunity to ask more questions about your robot.

The Award "Robot Design"

The robot that is chosen for the award "Robot Design", impresses the jury with an innovative and robust design as well as with creative and efficient programming.

  • Innovative design: The ability to create a creative design or innovative strategy. Because the tasks should be mastered in the most original way possible.
  • Robust design: Correct mechanical principles should be understood and applied. For this purpose the most solid, reliable and persistent robot must be built.
  • Programming: Correct programming principles should be understood and applied. The children and young people should develop a lot of creativity and efficiency in programming.

Tasks & Evaluation

To prepare your Robot Design, you will find all the important information on page 5 of the Engineering Notebook:

To prepare your presentation at the tournament, you should use our Robot Design report guide:

The evaluation of the Robot Design will be done by the judges at the tournaments using the corresponding evaluation sheet:

SPIKE Prime Materials

As a coach, you can use these materials to...

  • get to know the LEGO Education SPIKE Prime robotics set predestined for Challenge;
  • try out the robotics set and SPIKE app yourself before using them with your team members;
  • enhance the team meetings or teaching units In the Classroom with further materials.

Video Tutorials

In these tutorials by LEGO Education, you'll learn about LEGO Education SPIKE Prime, get to know the included parts, how to assemble the set and how to use the LEGO Education SPIKE App to build and program projects with SPIKE Prime.

LEGO Education Unit Plans

LEGO Education offer various other materials (such as lesson plans and student worksheets) via their website for teachers to supplement the learning units in the SPIKE app, which can be used to enrich the work with the SPIKE Prime:

Studio 2.0 LEGO CAD Software

The online LEGO community offers the software Studio 2.0, with which you can create building instructions and 3D representations for your robots from digital LEGO elements. The building instructions help you to version and document your robot during the design process, while the 3D models can be used, for example, in your Robot Design presentation as part of the judging session at the Challenge tournaments.

Watch this video tutorial from Droids Robotics to learn more about the potential use in FIRST LEGO League.

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