Discover the variety of our offerings for a dynamic season start!

by Stefanie Sieber

Discover the variety of our offerings for a dynamic season start! Even without fixed tasks, there are numerous ways to kick off the new season with your team – especially if you are new or looking to develop further. Check out our offerings and share them with your team members and other coaches.

Weekly Info Session

Not registered yet or new to the program? In our weekly info session, you will learn all the essential details about the educational program. Whether you are a teacher, parent, or student – get more information and book your ticket. Every Wednesday at 4 PM, we cover:

  • The benefits of the FIRST LEGO League for students and coaches.
  • The Discover, Explore, and Challenge programs and their processes.
  • Current funding opportunities and tips on how to apply.
  • The next steps to register for the program.

Monthly Q&A Session

Do you have questions or face challenges? We offer a resource for information that you can not only read but also ask directly. On the first Wednesday of every month at 4 PM, the FIRST LEGO League team from HANDS on TECHNOLOGY is available via Microsoft Teams video conference to answer all your questions. Take advantage of the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn together. Here, in addition to the link to the video call, you will find other exchange and information sources for teams:

Find a Mentor

Benefit from the expert knowledge of experienced individuals to optimally position your team. As a registered team, you can use this feature for free. Check your dashboard at to see which mentors are available in your region or virtually, and get in touch to dive deeper into areas such as programming or agile methods and receive support.

Pro Tip

Regularly read our monthly season updates, where we publish all important information for teams and classes registered for the Challenge and Explore programs. Also, check out our Quick Links at the bottom – we collect important pages for you there!

We look forward to accompanying you on your journey and growing together!

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