Explore Set Building Instructions

The building instructions for the SUBMERGED Explore models are included in the Explore set in booklet form. If required, you can also download them here.





Motorization Submarine & Marine Models



Missing Elements in your Explore Set?

If you're missing LEGO parts or bags from your FIRST LEGO League Explore Set, please contact LEGO Customer Service at: https://www.lego.com/service/contact-us. You can reach customer service via email, phone, or chat in various languages.

(For quicker processing, make sure to include the set number of your Explore Set (for the 2024/25 season: 45827) and the element number for the missing parts (see pages 50–55 of book 2 of the building instructions).

Explore Season Materials

Here you can get a glimpse into the tasks and challenges awaiting you when joining FIRST LEGO League Explore. The team members receive the printed documents from the coaches together with the Explore Set.

Engineering Notebook

Every team member will receive an Engineering Notebook and it is the space to capture ideas and drafts for the Team Model, Team Poster and Coding:

Italian (coming soon)

Team Meeting Guide

The Team Meeting Guide supports the coaches while guiding the team members on their journey through the meetings and up to the exhibition:

Italian (coming soon)

Explore Set Video

Take a look at how the models in the SUBMERGED Explore set look when they are built and motorised. This makes you want to build and programme the models yourself!

Open Q&A

Every first Wednesday of the month at 16:00, the FIRST LEGO League team at HANDS on TECHNOLOGY is available via Microsoft Teams video call to help you with all sorts of questions about your participation in FIRST LEGO League Explore und Challenge. Feel free to join us:


SPIKE Essential

LEGO Education offers additional resources for teachers on its website that complement the learning units in the SPIKE App. This includes lesson plans and worksheets for students that enhance the use of SPIKE Essential.

Multimedia Resources

What does a stage manager actually do, what is the work of a curator in a museum and what does it look like behind the scenes of a concert? In this document you will find many exciting links and book tips that will answer these and other questions related to the season's theme.

Download Multimedia Resources


Using the SharePoint

ATTENTION: The documents are all located in a publicly accessible Microsoft SharePoint.
Nevertheless, you may be asked to log in in certain situations. If this happens, please proceed as follows:

On a smartphone or tablet with the OneDrive app installed: After opening one of the links, you may be redirected to the OneDrive app. Please click on the "Open in browser" option instead of "Sign in". You can then download the files in your mobile browser without any problems.

On a laptop / desktop browser: After opening one of the links on a laptop or desktop computer, a login prompt may open on the SharePoint page. You can simply close this and then download the files without any problems.

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