Research Project
in a Nutshell ...

Before Tournament Day ...

As part of the SUBMERGED season theme, you will explore a self-chosen problem. Like real scientists, you'll develop a research question, conduct research, consult experts, and create a solution to share with others. Here are the steps for preparation:

Explore the topic: Get a broad understanding of the overall theme before focusing on a specific subject. Use various sources such as the internet, books, newspapers, and interviews with experts.

Use the time before kickoff: Start researching the annual theme before the official release of the tasks so you're well-prepared when you receive detailed information about the research project.

Find a research question: Create a list of topics that interest you. Choose one and identify the problem associated with it. From there, formulate your research question and gather all relevant information on this specific topic.

Develop an innovative solution: Work on a solution for your chosen problem that improves lives by enhancing something existing, using it in a new way, or creating something entirely new.

Share your results: Present your plan and solution to others. Show your research and results to people who could benefit from them or the experts who helped you. Consider who else might be interested in your solution and seek feedback. Use that feedback to further refine and improve your ideas.

Present creatively: Find a creative way to showcase your research project and solution. Your presentation can be supported by different formats such as posters, images, models, or multimedia content. Be creative but ensure that all important information is presented clearly and understandably.

On Tournament Day ...

You will present your research, robot design, and core values in a combined judging session. This session lasts a total of 35 minutes and takes place in a single room.

Your research project presentation can be a maximum of 5 minutes long! It should be concise and to the point. To ensure fairness, the judges will stop any presentation that exceeds 5 minutes.

You can choose various formats for your presentation, such as a formal speech, role play, parody, and more. The judges will pay attention to whether the research work is presented by multiple team members.

It's crucial that your presentation covers all parts of the challenge: identifying a research question, developing an innovative solution, and sharing your results. Remember, the judges can only evaluate what they actually hear!

After your presentation, the judges will ask you some questions about your research.

At many regional competitions, three to five teams will have the opportunity to publicly present their project on stage in the afternoon. The judges will select standout presentations - not necessarily the best ones, but those showcasing a variety of approaches, content, or team profiles. This offers teams and the audience a chance to learn from exceptional projects and gain inspiration for the following year.

The "Research" Award

The award in the Research category is awarded to the team that demonstrates the deepest understanding of the various disciplines and aspects related to the research challenge through high-quality research, innovative solutions, and a creative presentation.

Simply Explained

In this video (german version), we explain what makes good research, outline the steps your research project will go through, and provide tips on how to prepare effectively for your presentation at the FIRST LEGO League Challenge tournament.

Tasks and

To prepare for the Research Project, you will find all the important information on page 6 & 7 of the Engineering Notebook:

The evaluation of the Research Project will be done by the judges at the tournaments using the corresponding evaluation sheet:


Inspirations for your Research

For the SUBMERGED research project, you will find inspiration for possible research topics through video impressions from relevant professions as well as fascinating insights into the underwater world.

How deep is the ocean?

Ocean zones

Exploring the Mariana Trench

Robots in the Deep Sea

Marine biologist


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