This site provides various materials to help you get to know the evaluation processes during FIRST LEGO League Challenge tournaments. Check it out and you will be well prepared when you come to the competition!.

New in the 2024/25 Season

Starting with the SUBMERGED season, the Core Values at Challenge tournaments will no longer be evaluated using a separate evaluation sheet. Instead, certain criteria for evaluating the Research and Robot Design presentations will be included in the evaluation of Core Values (see below for the evaluation sheets for the two categories).

Simply Explained: Evaluation Processes on the Tournament Day

In this video (in German), Niklas and Joseph from our FIRST LEGO League team guide you through the different steps of evaluation during your participation in a FIRST LEGO League Challenge tournament.

Summary: Evaluation on the Tournament Day

This document sums up everything you need to know about how your performances and presentations will be evaluated during FIRST LEGO League Challenge tournaments by judges and referees.

Evaluation Sheets

Preparing for your Regional Tournament, you can familiarize yourselves with these evaluation sheets. The judges and referees will use them respectively during the Judging Sessions and Robot Game matches in order to assess your performances across the four categories:


Presentation during Judging Session



Robot Design

Presentation during Judging Session




Feedback on your Research, Robot Design and Core Values



Flowchart Judging

The flowchart of the 35-minute jury evaluation process



Robot Game

Scoring of each Robot Game match




Nomination by team, family members, fellow coaches/mentors or volunteers


Using the SharePoint

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On a smartphone or tablet with the OneDrive app installed: After opening one of the links, you may be redirected to the OneDrive app. Please click on the "Open in browser" option instead of "Sign in". You can then download the files in your mobile browser without any problems.

On a laptop / desktop browser: After opening one of the links on a laptop or desktop computer, a login prompt may open on the SharePoint page. You can simply close this and then download the files without any problems.

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